The 420 Cure, Ailments Cannabis Can Help You With

Cannabis is officially listed as a schedule one drug by the United States Controlled Substances Act. The Controlled Substances Act also created the DEA as well as the FDA, both of which determine which substances are either added or removed from certain schedules. While there are a few requirements for a substance to be landed on the list of schedule one drugs, there is one that stands out particularly. “The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.” At the time that the United States Controlled Substances Act was passed and signed into effect in 1970 by President Richard Nixon the use of medical cannabis was not widely accepted. Between the years of 1973 and 1978, eleven states decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana. However, it wasn’t until 1996 that the trend-setting state of California passed proposition 215 legalizing medical marijuana for hundreds of thousands of people.

Despite the DEA’s gross classification of medical marijuana, many states have legalized it. From 1996 to present 24 states have legalized medical cannabis, the most recent state being Pennsylvania in April of 2016. Some of the states that have legalized medical marijuana have very strict specifications on who can obtain it, but it’s still a good step in the right direction. Even though said states often require a patient to have a terminal illness to acquire medical marijuana, it can be used for many minor ailments as well. This brings me to my main point, what exactly is medical cannabis good for?

The 420 cure is excellent for nausea. This is one of the reasons why it is prescribed for patients with terminal illnesses like cancer, who often times have to undergo treatments which induce nausea. Many prefer treating nausea with marijuana because unlike most medicines it can be inhaled. Whereas almost all anti-nausea medicines are taken in pill form, which can then be thrown up. But regardless of their condition, if you feel like you are going to puke, maybe it’s time to roll up a joint.

Surprisingly medical marijuana can actually be good for those suffering from asthma. The last thing most people would think to do during an asthma attack is smoke, but it can be quite beneficial. In a study published early 2014, French researchers discovered that THC can prevent muscle contractions by signaling a molecule called acetylcholine. Said molecule maintains the muscle tone of the airways, and can contribute to contractions during asthma attacks. For those with asthma who don’t want to carry a pipe with them everywhere, I would highly recommend getting a discrete portable vaporizer.

Inflammation is a natural and at times necessary bodily response. However in the cases of many people with autoimmune diseases inflammation can cause damage to what were once healthy cells. Medical marijuana especially strains with high percentages of CBD (cannabidiol) have but shown to effectively reduce joint and other types of inflammation. Due to cannabis’s anti-inflammatory properties,  people with Crohn’s disease often use it as a treatment. But you don’t have to have Crohn’s disease to benefit from the plant, it can help with almost all types of inflammation. In addition to reducing the inflammation itself, it can also reduce pain in the inflamed area(s).

Roughly one out of three people have at least mild Insomnia, and it can come in many forms. From not being able to sleep, to waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep, to just sleeping poorly. Marijuana has been known to make people tired, as well as relaxed. More specifically Indica strains of the marijuana plant give you a heavier, mellow high. As opposed to Sativa’s which give you more of a head high and can at times even prevent you from sleeping. For those who don’t want to smoke, ganja edibles are also an excellent insomnia remedy.

Medical marijuana can also help treat

  • Pain
  • Neurological problems
  • PTSD
  • Dementia
  • Epilepsy
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Stress
  • Headaches
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Anxiety
  • Nightmares
    Uses for the 420 cure go on and on.



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