The Marijuana Tax Act of 2012

As you may or may not already know marijuana is now legal in Colorado under Amendment 64 or the regulate marijuana like ...

Reefer Madness – Strange Thoughts on Pot

THC as many of you may know stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol, the main chemical compound found in the cannabis sativa ...

More Healing With Cannabis

An important way in which cannabis oil can help in the healing of any condition is realized through its ability to ...

Marijuana and Scientific Testing

I am so inspired by discovering the existence of the following group which is set up to provide scientific testing of ...

Hemp Clothing

It is not just for hippies anymore!  Hemp clothing is making a big come back after years of being suppressed and ...

Should Senior Citizens Smoke Marijuana?

Should Senior Citizens smoke marijuana? Having used myself Cannabis Oil to cure cancer in my body, I am well aware of ...